Thursday, July 7, 2011

Party Time!

I still can't believe my baby is two and The Party is all over.  Yesterday's post showed some of the crafty, Pinterest-inspired decor, but here are some more details.

The kids favors were a small firework bucket that contained Pop Rocks (which JD now LOVES- click for the video), glow bracelets, a firework pinwheel, Starbursts, Lifesaver firecrackers, and firework bouncy balls.  Adults could also take home chocolate covered marshmallows and Lifesaver firecrackers (which I obviously made way too many of).
These were a big hit!  I dipped marshmallows in chocolate and then either sprinkles, graham cracker crumbs, or toasted coconut.  I used the firework pics instead of candy sticks to make them even more festive because I had a ton of them.

Morning rain meant a nervous last-minute call to the party rental place for a tent.  They came through.  If you live on LI, I highly recommend Rainbow Party Rentals.

Dollar store decorations behind a bench = great place to take pics.  Here are my boys with their babysitter.  

Our best attempt at getting a pic of JD with his friends.  Don't they all look super excited to be here?

The consensus was that my sparkler candles were mean.  I thought they were awesome.
The food, gift, and bar tables all had runners made from this firework fabric.  I was  super excited to find these festive firework straws at Target after seeing a tutorial for how to make them but deciding that I wasn't going to be that crazy.  And they were bendy straws.  Score!

Of course I was a bad blogger and didn't get pics of the food or dessert tables before people started digging in, but you get the idea.

Heros, salads, and (JD's only request) mac 'n cheese from a local deli
I made chocolate dipped marshmallows and rice krispie treats, chocolate fireworks,  and cupcakes with cute firecracker picks.  Can you tell I love to make sweets & don't enjoy cooking too much?  haha

And here is the party video.  


  1. I love the photo area! And the sweets! And all of it... Looks great!

  2. The backdrop behind the bench is ADORABLE. It looks like a great party!

  3. CC5CC


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